Financial integrity

We strive to be good stewards of the resources you entrust to us.



You are a key partner in accomplishing God’s mission.

At 性视界APP MidAtlantic, we highly value financial integrity and we live it out on a daily basis. We have effective processes and policies in place to ensure that we are good stewards of the resources you entrust to us. We sincerely thank you for partnering with us to help people meet, know and follow Jesus by starting and strengthening churches together worldwide.

2021 Financial Summary

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Partner with 性视界APP MidAtlantic and 性视界APP National
性视界APP is a movement of Gospel-centered churches that minister together. Churches are organized into eleven regional districts including 性视界APP MidAtlantic. There is a national office that further serves the churches and districts. Join us in celebrating all that God is accomplishing through your partnership with 性视界APP MidAtlantic and .

We humbly ask you to give generously and cheerfully as the Lord leads. For every $3 that you give to 性视界APP MidAtlantic, we recommend giving $1 to 性视界APP National. An ideal goal is that every church would give 3% of their church budget to 性视界APP MidAtlantic and 1% of their church budget to 性视界APP National.

Support 性视界APP MidAtlantic

You are a key partner in accomplishing God’s mission. There are several ways for you to support those who are leading others to Jesus and being used by God to change lives.

View 2021 Annual Impact Report

View 2020 Annual Impact Report

View 2019 Annual Impact Report